
Archive for November, 2011

2 More New Cases in the Jerry Sandusky Scandal

November 22, 2011 Leave a comment

Two cases of child sex abuse alleged against Jerry Sandusky have been opened by Children and Youth Services in Pennsylvania.

The cases were reported less than 60 days ago, and so they are still in the initial stages of the investigation.

If they are found to be credible, these would be the first known cases to be reported since Sandusky’s arrest that involve current children. All of the other publicly known cases of alleged victims coming forward have been adults.

In Pennsylvania, when an adult comes forward and alleges abuse — even if it happened when that person was a child — it’s solely a police matter. CYS only participates in the investigation if the victim is still under 18.

This new information could give credence to a growing debate over whether Sandusky should have been arrested more quickly.

Like I said before there would be more as that guy had been running the Second Mile charity since 1977.  I expect there to be still more coming and even then not all victims will come forward because it would be hard to admit something like that happened to you.

A bit of good news with the bad:

Pennsylvania court officials say all the judges in Penn State’s home county have removed themselves from potentially presiding over the child sex-abuse case against Sandusky.

The Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts announced Tuesday that out-of-county judges have been named to deal with any related court business in the Centre County case.

This is better news about getting potentially more imparcial judges on the case and a smart move.

Wisconsin Governor Recall Update

November 22, 2011 Leave a comment

The coalition working to recall Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker says the group has gathered more than 105,000 signatures in the first four days.

The totals were released Saturday by United Wisconsin spokeswoman Heather DuBois Bourenane. She says the figure is as of Friday night.

Recall organizers need 540,000 valid signatures to force a recall election of the Republican governor. They have to average 9,000 per day between when the recall drive began Tuesday and the Jan. 17 deadline for turning in signatures.

They want to go well above the 540,000 figure, however, in case some signatures are invalidated.

Volunteers with the recall efforts are circulating petitions Saturday afternoon in Madison, where a rally has drawn crowds that Capitol police estimate at 25,000 to 30,000. A counter-rally is also planned.,0,2209026.story

Sounds so good!  Keep up the good work Wisconsin!

Woman Who Feeds Feral Cats Might Face Jail Time

November 15, 2011 1 comment


A Vandercook Lake woman faces trial next week because she attracts abandoned or wild cats by feeding them.

Danni Joshua, 53, is charged by Summit Township of allowing animals to run at large, a misdemeanor violation of the Jackson County Animal Control and Protection Ordinance.

An estimated 15 to 20 feral cats live around Joshua’s yard off Helena Avenue, sparking complaints to the township.

“Their argument is if I feed them, I own them,” said Joshua, who belongs to Alley Cat Allies, an organization devoted to helping feral cats.

“They’re not my cats,” Joshua said. “I’ve been feeding them because some losers left them and they’re starving.”

Summit Township contends Joshua qualifies as the owner of the cats, and thus is subject to prosecution for letting them run loose, because she has “care, custody and control.”

Read more :

I see her not as a problem but as a kind heart who is doing what she can to make those animal’s lives better.  I’ve been guilty of feeding and/or giving rides to stray animals to the animal shelter myself.  Even adopting the last foundling into my home, was it wrong?  No Way!


Ivana ClawYou

November 15, 2011 Leave a comment

The Royal Mail have put Lana the cat on probation after she attacked a postman in Portsmouth.

Lana’s owners face losing their mail delivery in the UK unless she stops attacking the mail carrier for the Royal Mail.  Lana aka Ivana ClawYou may be wanted on other charges, I would run a background check just to be sure.

Categories: Feel Good! Tags:

Pining for the Fjords

November 15, 2011 Leave a comment

Pet insurance fraud is on the rise in the UK.

Insurers believe frauds include owners getting rid of the animal – by selling   it or even killing it – then claiming a payout for early death. The animal   may never have existed in the first place.

Other owners have injured their pets in “faked accidents” to cover   up pre-existing injuries or conditions that were not covered by their policy.

Another scam involves staging the disappearance of an animal, because some policies pay out if a pet is lost or stolen.

Other tactics detected include claims for expensive vet treatments that have either not actually been given, or are unnecessary or are more expensive   than they need to be. Experts suspect that some vets are involved.

In some cases, claims are made for uninsured pets on the policies of other insured animals.

I think I know where the brits may have gotten the idea from:

I’m on to them…

Bob Costas Interview with Jerry Sandusky

November 15, 2011 Leave a comment

If you haven’t caught Bob Costas’ interview with Jerry Sandusky, its worth watching.  I think Bob handled it very well, he took a quiet disengaged stance with Jerry something you would need to do.  Instinct would have you screaming “How Dare You” at Jerry but Bob kept his cool which did allow him to get more information from Sandusky.  Personally, I think I would have passed on this interview because I really don’t think I could have gotten through it without threatening to kick Sandusky’s arse.  The interview would need to be about him not me so I would let someone else have it. I’m a non-violent person normally..definately all defense, no offense but this story really gets my Irish up in all the worst ways.

Jerry himself denies the allegations against him yet his voice and choice of words sounds to me as someone who is not so much sorry for what he did as he is sorry he got caught.  He was asked about when his conversation with a mother of one of his victims was taped by the police and he brushed that aside with a “don’t remember”.  Just reading parts of the transcript of that conversation was enough to seal a verdict from me and I imagine it would do the same for any parents on a jury.

The local barber is normally a great source for me to find out what stories the men in the area are talking about and he thought this one had staying power as he said ALL his customers are talking about it and not in a way that shows they just saw a headline or heard one.  He said they know the details too.  The men with familes especially are angry about this story along with the sports fanatics which you would expect.

A video with a portion of the interview can be seen here:   if you are at work and wish to see some bits of transcript to read instead check out this article :

Canada Using Plastic Money

November 14, 2011 Leave a comment

TORONTO (Reuters) – Canada released a new
C$100 bill made of plastic on Monday, its first step in replacing an entire
series of banknotes to thwart counterfeiters and persuade retailers it’s safe to
accept big bills.

The brown polymer note, identical in size and color to the existing paper
C$100 note, is made with the same plastic used by some 32 other countries. But
Canada is the first to add a metallic hologram that is especially difficult to

The release of the plastic C$100 note comes just eight years after the Bank
of Canada released a new series of paper notes that, while an improvement over
previous versions, were still too easy to counterfeit.

The new polymer bill has a large transparent window from the top to the
bottom of the note – the largest such window in modern banknote design – and a
holographic image visible from both sides of the bill.

Plastic notes, nearly impervious to liquids, stains, tearing or
wear-and-tear, were pioneered by the Reserve Bank of Australia in 1988. Blank
sheets of the polymer will be made by a unit of the Australia central bank and
shipped to Canada, where two Ottawa-based companies will print the

The C$100 note features a portrait of Sir Robert Borden, Canada’s prime
minister from 1911-1920, on the front, and images of Canadian contributions to
medicine on the back.

It will save an estimated C$200 million over the assumed eight-year life of
the series because the bills will last about 2.5 times longer than paper
banknotes, the bank said.  Cool, the Candians are ahead of us on this too.  For those of us that wash our money frequently in the washing machine it would save on wear and tear.

Judge who freed Sandusky tied to 2nd Mile

November 14, 2011 1 comment

Biography on her former law firm’s website states she volunteered at the Second Mile, where Sandusky allegedly found his victims.

Sandusky was arrested on November 5 and charged with 40 counts of sexual abuse of young boys over a 15-year period.

Deadspin, a sports blog, reports that upon Sandusky’s arraignment, prosecutors requested $500,000 bail for Sandusky. They also wanted him to wear a leg monitor.

Judge Leslie Dutchcot freed Sandusky on $100,000 unsecured bail however, meaning he’ll only have to pay if he doesn’t show up for court.

The judge’s profile on her former law firm’s website states that she volunteered at the Second Mile, the same organization where Sandusky allegedly found his victims.

Some observers are questioning why Dutchcot didn’t recuse herself from Sandusky’s case, given her connection.

Sandusky has been banned from the Penn State campus and could face life in prison if convicted of the charges against him.

I’ve been following this story closely and believe they have only found the tip of the iceburg thus far.  Dan and I even discussed it in the barber shop when I took him for a hair cut.  The men in there one by one got quiet when Dan and I entered the barber shop as if they felt this story shouldn’t be discussed in front of women and a teenage boy.  We quickly got them talking again and I pointed out Dan already knew all about the story from TV, that it was important that kids know this sort of thing can happen and how to avoid it.  There was one young man that came forward with his story about Jerry Sandusky, he wasn’t abused but their relationship was headed that way till he cut it off because he was very uncomfortable being around Jerry. Kids are kids, they need to be protected.  Anyone who sees a child as sexual is abnormal PERIOD.

I coached youth soccer in the past for both the local YMCA and Parks Department when Danny was involved with soccer for 5 years.  Starting with getting a phone call that there wasn’t enough coaches and that some kids would not be able to play unless more parents helped.  Yeah, they got me on that.  They do use background checks before you are allowed near the kids and there are firm rules to never be alone with any of the kids.  I took the responsibility of the kids serious and encouraged the parents to attend the practices and games rather than just drop the kids off.  I would have protected any of them with my life like I would with my own child, as a parent myself I would have expected that of any adult.

Which brings me to the part of this continuing story that I find most disturbing.  A graduate student who later became one of the coaches for the Penn State team walked in the locker room to find Jerry Sandusky raping a 10 year old boy.  What did he do?  He walked out and left that child behind, talked to his father the next day then didn’t report it to the police but to the sports program instead.  What the?  He’s a big hulking man too….he could have easily stopped it and saved that boy.  I’m a woman and I wouldn’t have left that locker room without that boy being with me and would have gone straight to the Police. Jerry does look bigger than me I’d have that enraged Mom rush going so that wouldn’t have stopped me because I would rather he attacked me than some kid.  I would stand a better chance a roundhouse kick to the nose or the use of my “brass key ring of death” would have bought me enough time to escape.  He might have won in the long run but I would have tore him up good first and the boy would escaped to hopefully bring me some help.  There is no way I could have just walked out so I have a hard time understanding the male graduate student who did.  Jerry even wrote an autobiography entitled “Touched: The Jerry Sandusky Story,”  which seems quite ironic now.

This judge had no business deciding anything on this case considering she was part of this Second Mile organization.  Second Mile was set up by this now obvious pediphile in 1977 to give him access to kids so there are going to be many more people coming forth with information on this case.  There is also the case of a missing prosecutor as well that may or may not be linked to this scandal.  I wouldn’t have let him walk free even on bail as he is a danger to the community and a flight risk as he would be facing the rest of his life in jail once he goes to trial.  He’s got the cash I’m sure to skip the country, why test if he would do that or not?  I wouldn’t take the risk. has had the best coverage of this ongoing story, you can find it here:

Common Sense

November 14, 2011 Leave a comment

Shared by Jon in Nova Scotia

Obituary printed in the London Times – Interesting and sadly true.

Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as:

– Knowing when to come in out of the rain;
– Why the early bird gets the worm;
– Life isn’t always fair;
– and maybe it was my fault.

Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don’t spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in charge).

His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but over bearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.

It declined even further when corporations became people and with more rights than actual people have. When CEOs began to make 300% more than their employees while continuing to press for more and more cuts on the labor that actually did all the work.

Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children.

Common Sense lost the will to live as the churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims.

Common Sense took a beating when you couldn’t defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault.

Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.

Common Sense was preceded in death, by his parents, Truth and Trust, by his wife, Discretion, by his daughter, Responsibility, and by his son, Reason.

He is survived by his 4 stepbrothers;
I Know My Rights
I Want It Now
Someone Else Is To Blame
I’m A Victim

Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone. If you still remember him, pass this on. If not, join the majority and do nothing…

Categories: Feel Good! Tags:

Thank you for your Service

November 11, 2011 Leave a comment

Let’s remember today to thank our veterans for their service. Only takes a moment yet never fails to bring a smile to their faces. We owe them that and much more. Across the border in the Great White North it is Rememberance Day, noting the end of World War I that also occured on this date.

If you own a business consider hiring a vet, they are excellent hires. Support our US Postal Service which employs many veterans with good jobs after they return.

Special thank you to Bob, Fuzzy, Wink, Junker, Mike, Ginmar, David, Brennan, Frank, my mail carrier Pete and the other veterans I cross paths with every day. Thank you for your service! {{HUGS}}

Among the Vet Day freebies (see retailer websites for restrictions):

– Meals. Applebee’s, Olive Garden, Chili’s, Texas Roadhouse, Cheeseburger in Paradise and Hooters all offer versions of free meals on Friday, and Subway offers free 6-inch subs. McCormick & Schmick’s offers free meals on Sunday. For the 10th year, Golden Corral is giving out free dinners on Monday, with no ID required. Through Friday, Outback Steakhouse offers free Bloomin’ Onion appetizers and soft drinks.

– Amusement park visits. Anheuser-Busch Parks, including SeaWorld, Busch Gardens and Sesame Place, offer free admission to active-duty military and up to three dependents, once a year.

– National park visits. The National Park Service will not charge entrance fees at more than 100 national parks Friday through Sunday.

– B&B visits. Through the group B&Bs for Vets, nearly 500 bed-and-breakfasts are offering vets a free night’s stay tonight.

– Pillows. Sleep Number, the adjustable-mattress chain, is offering a free cotton travel pillow to military personnel who visit a store on Friday. “We know the stresses, pain and difficulties of re-acclimating to life after service,” spokeswoman Gabby Nelson says.

– Tim Hortons – all US locations are offering a free donut to all
veterans (check out the Star Spangled donut!).

Read more:

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