
Posts Tagged ‘snark’

The New Arrest Me Elmo

October 7, 2011 1 comment

The New Arrest Me Elmo

First there was the “Tickle Me Elmo”…  Now released just in time for the Occupy Wall Street season is the new “Arrest Me Elmo” coming soon to a demonstration near you! Ooooo those handcuffs tickle…*giggles* Officer Bolonga?  Why do you pepper spray Elmo?  Elmo wants a nice sandwich instead.  Bring Elmo a sandwich, please?  I sure hope Bert and Ernie come to bail me out.

Photo by Leticia M.J. Love  Shared by Facebook Friend Don Johnson.

What’s your caption?

Now updated with reaction from some of the Netroots Radio Hosts. Justice: “Occupy Sesame Street!” Wink: “You know those puppet guys are libs”. Yuri: “lol” Which I suspects translates from the French Canadian as “Laughing Out Liberally”.

The Joke is On You

My son loves this commercial because he says it reminds him of me. So he was yuckking it up saying I was on TV making fun of my “almost no eyesight without my glasses” when I turned it on him. “Dan, are you trying to say there is something wrong with having a pet raccoon named Kitty?”

He said, “No….did you see the commercial?”

I said, “Of course, I did have my glasses on but also had a pet racoon as a child named Emily.”

Dan said “No Way”

Alas I trumped him by saying, “Ask Grandma”. He stopped laughing… True fact: I did have a pet racoon as a child named Emily but it was really more of my mother’s pet. I got to feed her and hold her but she was Mum’s kitty. 😉

Which reminds me…my niece’s name is Emily. Which suggests my mother named her too. No way you might think? Mum did name my son. You see she hated any name I picked out and eventually wore me down until I said, “Fine, why don’t you just name the baby?”

Was just the opening she was waiting for it seemed as she said, “Oh good! I’m better at naming than you are anyway. It will be Daniel. That works well as the baby’s other grandfather is named Daniel and he will think you named the baby after him and I always liked that name.” Yeah, she won! Long before that, she had told me that she named my cousin Patrick but she had left out details that would have made me more wary. I did sort of wonder how she slipped that past my aunt and uncle…seems I found out the hard way. She followed through even calling me at the hospital to remind me what to name the baby in case I had forgotten. Probably an unbelievable story unless you also had a wee Irish mum then of course you would be nodding along to the story in complete understanding. Ummm..hmmm..yeah happened to me too.